Looking for a part-time / full-time sales person with experience in selling ad spaces across any medium. It's for a new and exciting lifestyle magazine in Egypt.
The right candidate should have 2-3 years experience in Selling ad spaces in a publishing company in Egypt, he/she should be presentable, fluent in English, po...sses good pre...sentation and negotiation skills.
Please don’t waste my time or your time if you don’t possess previous experience.
If interested please send your CV to : mahy18@gmail.com
The right candidate should have 2-3 years experience in Selling ad spaces in a publishing company in Egypt, he/she should be presentable, fluent in English, po...sses good pre...sentation and negotiation skills.
Please don’t waste my time or your time if you don’t possess previous experience.
If interested please send your CV to : mahy18@gmail.com